Haiku: Ruby (HH Prompt)


vivid bittersweet
autumn blushed lips tinged with heat
your memory burns.


Inspired by the theme word “RUBY” at
Haiku Horizons

14 thoughts on “Haiku: Ruby (HH Prompt)

    • In the silence of my empty house I write words for my imaginary lover hoping my longing will make her real. This is actually a form of insanity. And it makes for adequately readable poetry!


    • At least on “paper” I do – been years since I had a date! You are very kind to say so – I guess it is like the old saying about teaching and doing. In this case romance and poetry. Which would be “those that can do; and those that can’t write poetry!”


      • You made me laugh with this one:

        In the case of romance and poetry “those that can do; and those that can’t write poetry!”

        And I write a LOT of poetry myself.

        You have an obviously a romantic soul inside you and also a humorous personality.

        Liked by 2 people

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